Call for Proposals
FM 2026: 27th International Symposium on Formal Methods
Spring 2026
This call is also available as a pdf.
Formal Methods Europe (FME) is a worldwide association bringing together researchers and practitioners in formal methods for developing computing systems and software. We aim to encourage both research and application by disseminating research findings and industrial experience through symposia and sponsored events.
FME organises a symposium on Formal Methods every 18 months approximately, attracting participants from all over the world. The 25th symposium took place in Lübeck (Germany), March 2023, while the 26th symposium will be in Milan (Italy), September 2024.
FME is now inviting proposals from any group or institution wishing to host the 27th International Symposium on Formal Methods, which is to be held in Spring 2026 (preferably outside Europe, since FM 2023 was and FM 2024 is going to be in Europe).
The co-location of the FM symposium with other conferences and workshops in related areas is very much welcomed and much appreciated by the community, hence ideas for such a co-location may be part of the proposal. The format of the symposium foresees the organisation of related events such as tutorials, displays of tools, products, research projects and publishers. The FME board may also ask you to consider co-location of events that approach FME.
Important Dates and Information
- April 30, 2024: Optional informal notification of interest.
- June 6, 2024: Symposium proposals due.
After submission, proposers need to be available to answer queries from the evaluators. - July 10, 2024: Notification of evaluation results.
Proposals are evaluated by the FME board in consultation with the symposium steering group and other FME members. - FME and the successful proposers sign a formal contract.
Requirements for Proposals
Proposals should be no more than 4 pages in length and should contain:
- A brief description of why the symposium is of interest to the proposer.
- Information on the potential involvement of relevant industries located in the area around the venue.
- The vision for the event, including its aims, the expected format and scale.
- A description of the relevant qualifications and experience of the proposers, especially regarding conference organisation logistics.
- A description of the facilities that will be available for the symposium and to support the organisers.
- The contact information of the proposed organising committee.
An informative document called ‘A Guide to the FM Symposium’ is available from FME’s website. In particular, please note that the PC chairs are selected and invited by the FME chair in consultation with the General Chair, the FME Board, former PC chairs and selected colleagues and FME members. Proposers may suggest potential PC chairs but, to avoid embarrassment, must not contact potential PC chairs directly.
Submitting your proposal
Please send your proposal (in PDF format) or any enquiries to