FME Awards

FME Fellowship

The FME Fellowship is a distinction that will be awarded approximately every three years, during an FME symposium, to researchers and practitioners of formal methods.

The FME Fellowship is given in recognition of technical achievements in advancing, applying, and promoting formal methods, the fellowship rewards scientific breakthroughs and pioneering work that have made a difference to the world through advances in formal methods. This includes contributions in the following areas:

  • Solid theoretical work.
  • Development of frameworks and tools.
  • Teaching formal methods.
  • Industrial applications.
  • Publicising formal methods worldwide and attracting people to the community.

The recipient of the fellowship has made a clear difference in one or more of these areas, and this will be supported by concrete evidence.

Lucas Award

The Lucas Award is a prize that will be awarded approximately every three years, during an FME symposium, for the authors of a Highly Influential Paper published in an FM symposium. In that respect, we consider papers published in the symposium even before it was called FM symposium.

FME Awards Committee

For information about the Awards Committee, look here.
