FormaliSE 2019 Keynote on YouTube

Watch Jeff Joyce’s keynote from FormaliSE 2019: The Benefits of (having doubts about) Formal Methods

About FormaliSE

FormaliSE 2019 was organised as a 1-day conference co-located with ICSE on May 27th, 2019, in Montreal, Canada. The main objective of FormaliSE is to foster the integration between the formal methods and the software engineering communities, to strengthen the – still too weak – links between them, and to stimulate researchers to share ideas, techniques, and results, with the ultimate goal to propose novel solutions to the fraught problem of improving the quality of software systems.

FormaliSE 2019 Keynote

The keynote at FormaliSE this year was by Jeff Joyce (Critical Systems Lab): The benefits of (having doubts about) formal methods.

Abstract. A variety of industry standards for critical systems, such as RTCA DO-178C and ISO 26262, refer to the possibility of using formal methods to produce verification results for the purpose of certification. However, satisfying the expectations of a certification authority using verification results obtained by means of formal methods can be a formidable challenge. Dr. Joyce will describe some reasonable doubts that might be raised by a certification authority about a plan to use formal methods as a source of verification results in place of test-based results. He will explain how such doubts influenced guidance developed by the aerospace industry for use of formal methods in the certification of airborne software. Anticipating these doubts can be the basis of an effective strategy to use formal methods as part of the certification of a critical system.

Author: Einar Broch Johnsen
