Report on FormaliSE 2013

FormaliSE, the FME Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering, is a new event organized under the auspices of FME and ICSE, the International Conference on Software Engineering and the leading annual event in the field. The workshop aims to bridge the gap between the mainstream software engineering and the formal methods communities.

The first workshop was held on 25 May this year in San Francisco. About 30 participants heard an inspiring invited lecture given by Alan Wassyng of McMaster University, Canada. Alan’s extensive experience as both an engineering practitioner, and as a formal methods researcher, has led him to question the goals of formal methods research and the seriousness with which the needs of the profession are treated by researchers.

Nine scientific papers were accepted from 25 submissions reviewed by the international programme committee. (36% acceptance rate). Each paper was reviewed by 4 PC members and the average rating was high compared to normal standards. Topics ranged from verification to the methodology of collaborative development. A “round table” discussion, chaired by John Fitzgerald of FME, concluded the workshop.

Details of the workshop are available at We hope to organise a second edition at ICSE 2014, so keep an eye on this site for any follow-ups!

Download the slides of Alan Wassyng’s talk: Though This Be Madness, Yet There Is Method in It?

Author: Bernhard Aichernig
